The Lockdown Through The Eyes Of A Toddler

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“We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.”

- Roald Dahl

Lockdown has impacted all industries in indescribable ways….the world of photography has ground to a halt. The positive side to that is that we can take time to reflect and evaluate.

Another upside is more time with family — finding inspiration inside, rather than out. In that vein, I thought I’d share a more personal blog post with you.

Since the lockdown all our lives have changed enormously, none more so than for our children. The younger they are, the less they understand of why their little worlds have shrunk so much.

I have a three-year old daughter. Before lockdown, she was off to nursery at 7.45am daily. She had playdates, parties and playgrounds. She spent lots of time with her cousins and grandparents. She would go swimming, go on trips to museums and even have sleepovers. Things we all took for granted.

Not so now….

Since the “naughty virus” (as she has dubbed it) took over our lives, she has seen all that vanish in an instant. Over the last few months, the place she inhabits may have shrunk but her imagination hasn’t. She has transformed our home into magical kingdoms, far-off lands, gymkhanas, petting zoos and more. Her stuffed toys have stood in for best friends, her parents for teachers and Siri for her personal assistant.

Confinement has amplified her emotions. Good things have been great, funny things have become hysterical and meltdowns have become epic. She has had to get used to being juggled between parents who are both trying to work from home. And her poor mother is 8 months pregnant with all the pains and exhaustion that comes with that.

With her little life changing so very much, we’ve been constantly surprised at her capacity for imagination, fun and love even in such strange and stressful circumstances. She’s enjoyed getting to spend so much time with her parents, but she’s also felt intensely lonely at times.

With my trusty little Fuji X100F in hand I’ve tried to show a little glimpse of her world over the past few months. It’s not always been easy for her, but she’s somehow found a path through it.

I hope you all have too.

Lockdown through the Eyes of a toddler - A photofilm

Sit back, press play and turn up the volume and enjoy

Here Are Some Of My Favourite Stills From Project.

Hopefully you got a sense of what the lockdown was like for my little girl through the film above and the stills below. It’s been quite a journey …